Donate Stocks and Bonds

Thank you for your interest in donating stocks and bonds to Corner Shower and Laundry! Please follow the instructions below to ensure proper transfer.

When you transfer ownership of securities to Corner Shower and Laundry, you will receive a charitable deduction for the full market value and incur no capital gains tax subject to IRS deductible limitations. You need to provide your financial adviser or brokerage firm with the following information:

DTC #0015 Morgan Stanley

Account Name and #: Corner Shower and Laundry, 310-153955-215

Contact: Ryan Riehl or Shelley Graunke, c/o Morgan Stanley, 35055 W 12 Mile Rd, #101, Farmington Hills, MI 48331

In order to ensure that we properly acknowledge your donation, we encourage you to alert us in advance with the details of your appreciated gift. Electronic security transfers do not provide us with your information. Please provide the following information to Sue Goldsmith at or (248)-214-3611.

Your name, address, and contact information

Name of the security

Number of shares and estimated value

Approximate transfer data and transferring brokerage firm